

The affordable services and packages that we offer are specifically geared toward businesses, non-profits, churches and community organizations. We deliver the same quality products and services  that other companies in our field deliver to Corporate America for premium pricing. 

The difference is that we care about you, your organization and the people you serve. We have made it affordable for you. Divine Technology was created to provide services, tools and solutions at an affordable price especially during these difficult economic times for the betterment of businesses, organizations, community and those we serve.

Custom Solutions

We will meet with you in person or remotely to discuss what your organizational or business needs are and help you determine your requirements. We then will go to work and determine the best solution to fit those needs and put together a proposal with a phased approach to the project and a pricing plan. We try our best to ensure that this plan will work within your budget which is why we use a phased approach. The pricing for executing the plan is also reduced.
There is no cost for the initial consultation in determining your needs and organizational or business requirements.

Services We Offer 

I.T. and Support


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Divine Technology Intranet.

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Hours: 9am to 5pm



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